2018 is over, on to 2019!

Where has the year gone? It seems like yesterday the chapter’s BOD met to plan 2018’s activities. I hope everyone agrees that this year has been a successful one for the chapter. Membership remains stable. Financially, we are in great shape. The club, through member donations, made significant contributions to the two charities we sponsor: the Gary Sinese Foundation and St. Jude’s Children Hospital.

During the year the chapter hosted a series of events. The most significant being the very successful regional held last April in Greenville. We also had several technical sessions and judging schools as well as several social events. We even held a road tour in the pouring rain. I would like to thank all that hosted an event as well as the members that participated. As I have said before, what makes the club great is member participation.

The chapter’s leadership has been in the process of planning 2019 events, which like this year will include a variety of activities— judging, social and technical programs. The events and dates are listed elsewhere in this issue.

The most significant event will be July’s National Convention, which the chapter is hosting for the third time in its history. Most of the planning has been completed and now we just need to execute a great event. As the hosting chapter, we need your assistance in volunteering to help staff the event activities, especially on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Many of these will not take a great deal of time; you will still have time to participate in the activities you wish. Please register, sign up to help, and come early.

I would like to welcome the two new member to the chapter’s BOD: Chip Drennan, Vice Chairman and Steve Heck, Secretary. I also thank Sarah Puls and Bob Puls for their leadership contributions during the past year. The chapter would not be successful without the contribution and time spent by the leadership team which includes Fred Jenkins, Judging Chair; Louis Kolb, Treasurer; Dave Barrett, Director at Large; Reba Whittington, our award-winning Editor of The Redline Times; Janet Kennedy, Membership Manager; Paula Culbertson, Charity Manager; Alan Beaver, Merchandise Manager; and Peter Stout, Webmaster. The next time you see one of these individuals, please take the time to thank them for their service.

I hope everyone had a most enjoyable holiday season and wish you a very happy and successful new year. Hope to see you at an upcoming event.

Peter Stout

Peter is a film photographer who wanders the Outer Banks with a pile of film and 40 year old cameras. Sunrises are his favorite, with coffee and naps in the afternoon.