Getting back to Normal

As I sit here on the beach, I see things getting back to normal— well almost. COVID-19 issues are weaning, but the Canadian border is still closed. Car shows are again happening, but some facilities are reluctant to host our local weekly Cars & Coffee due to liability issues.

NCRS is recovering. The Arizona and Iowa Regionals have happened; the National in Palm Springs is going to happen – although the car count is only about 70. A couple of cars from the Carolinas will not make their planned trip for various reasons, but at least two Carolinas members are scheduled to participate in the National Road Tour to California. Next year’s convention in Mobile is a lot closer and probably will have greater Carolinas Chapter participation.

We have several more events planned this year. Next one is in August – the chapter’s 25th anniversary picnic. This should be a fun event. There is going to be a silent auction to raise money for our charity fund. If you have some NCRS- or car-related items that you don’t want/need anymore, bring those to the picnic. Please let me know what you are bringing ahead of time so we can provide space to display the item.

The fall judging event and annual meeting will be in Wilkesboro this year. If you have a car that is undergoing restoration or one that you would like to have judged, this is a great time to do so. That way you will be prepared to take it to the Greenville Regional next May.

Speaking of the Regional. Work continues. We are soliciting donors and sponsors. So far, the City of Greenville Convention Center has come forth with a generous contribution. We could use more, so if you know of someone that we should contact, please let me know. Designs for the shirts and pin are being finalized. Later this year we will be seeking volunteers to help during the event, so keep that in mind.

2022 officers will be elected at the annual meeting. Although the existing board has agreed to serve through next year’s regional, if you would like to run for one of the positions, contact Ray Culberson and tell him of your desires. (See p. 6 for details)

Get the cars out of the garage and enjoy driving them. Stay safe. I hope to see you at the picnic in August.

Peter Stout

Peter is a film photographer who wanders the Outer Banks with a pile of film and 40 year old cameras. Sunrises are his favorite, with coffee and naps in the afternoon.