2023 is Coming to a Close

The year is almost gone! Where did it go? As they say, “I didn’t think getting old would happen so quickly.” The chapter has started the process of changing leadership. Chip Drennan, who has served five years as vice chairman, stepped down to allow Ed Harbour to assume this position in January. For Ed, this will be a year of learning as he has agreed to move into the position of chairman next fall.

Janet Kennedy, currently membership manager, has been in a chapter leadership role for over 12 years, and at times held two positions at once. Additionally, she has been instrumental in the success of nearly a dozen regionals and nationals. I thank Chip Drennan and Janet Kennedy for their years of service. Roman Jaskin has agreed to become the new membership manager. Join me in welcoming these two new members to the Board of Directors (BOD) and thanking them for their willingness to help ensure the chapter’s future.

On November 4, Jimmy Gregg is conducting a social event to informally evaluate originality. Garry Barnes has volunteered his “original” 1967: the question is “how original is it?” See details in this issue of The Redline Times. The Christmas party on December 2 is almost here. There is no charge, but if you are planning to attend, please register ASAP so we can get a good headcount for food. Details can be found later in this issue. Next fall’s judging event and annual meeting will be at the same location as this year’s event, the Holiday Inn East, Asheville, NC. Mark your calendar for the dates Sept 27 and 28, 2024. The room rate will be the same as this year.

FYI, did you notice? The 2026 National Convention is going to be held in Charleston, SC. This is a great location and an opportunity for the chapter to have a significant presence. As always, the chapter needs members to step up and help with events, either technical sessions, judging schools, social events, and road tours. If you know a place we ought to visit or you have a project underway and would like free labor or anything else and you are willing to share, please contact either me or one of the BOD members.

The Redline Times needs articles as well, if you have something to share with the group send a write-up to Reba. It doesn’t have to be fancy and remember a picture is worth 1000 words. Hope to see you at an upcoming event.

Remember: Drive your Corvette(s) and stay safe.

Peter Stout

Peter is a film photographer who wanders the Outer Banks with a pile of film and 40 year old cameras. Sunrises are his favorite, with coffee and naps in the afternoon.