Goodbye, 2022

As 2022 draws to a close, I have taken a few minutes to reflect on this past year. All in all, I feel the chapter had a very successful year. We had lots of different events and May’s regional was a financial success. Membership continues to be strong at about 140 members. The bank account is full. I thank Harold and Janet Kennedy for allowing us to enjoy their beautifully decorated home for our Christmas party. It was a successful affair with twenty-nine guests, and we collected lots of toys for the Marine Corps Toys-for-Tots program. See photos later in this newsletter. The National leadership is still having discussions about the national Guidelines for Chapters (for which a revision has been issued) and whether or not chapter bylaws are in compliance. It has requested all 42 chapters send a copy of their current bylaws with this year’s chairman’s report. I now digress. As I stated in the beginning of this note, this year was filled with a variety of events. However, at this point we only have two events scheduled for 2023. This is way behind where we normally are. As I stated in the last issue of The Redline Times, the chapter needs your help – NOW! We need hosts for events, locations for events, and a location for the fall judging event as that has to be locked in early with a hotel or venue. We really need to look at a new site that will draw the membership. I wish everyone a very Merry Christmas, a fantastic Holiday Season and a Happy New Year. I hope everyone has a great 2023 and I am looking forward to seeing you at many CCNCRS events.

Peter Stout

Peter is a film photographer who wanders the Outer Banks with a pile of film and 40 year old cameras. Sunrises are his favorite, with coffee and naps in the afternoon.