Halfway through 2023

The year is half gone! Where has the time gone? As I write this note, I am sitting on the balcony looking over a very serene Gulf of Mexico. Birds are diving for fish; manatee and porpoises swim by occasionally; and the frigate birds are riding the air currents high above. What could be better? Well, I wish the Corvette was here.

However, when you travel for a month with a dog, the Corvette just doesn’t have enough space. The national convention is less than a month away. Many of us are planning on traveling to French Lick. The National reports that the car count and attendance are both up, which is a good thing. Steven Heck did a great job at May’s tech session where he described his efforts trouble shooting and fixing electrical issues with his C5. Janet and Harold Kennedy were great hosts. I thank them all for their hard work.

Plans are being finalized for next March’s judging event. The event is going to be at Kevin Whitaker’s dealership in Greenville, March 22 and 23. This is the weekend after Corvette Expo. He has offered his showroom for the judging field. Roman Jaskin has been working with Kevin. More details to follow.

The chapter has two events scheduled during the next two months. In August, Kirk Turner has arranged a road tour to Brandon Hills Winery (August 5, Yadkinville, NC) where the club will have a social gathering. In order for a road tour to count for the chapter's top flight, we need to have the participation of six Corvettes.

Currently only one has signed up. In September we will have our fall judging event and annual meeting. This event will take place at the Holiday Inn East, Asheville, NC, September 8 and 9. Registration forms for both coming events can be found later in this issue of The Redline Times and online.

A couple of housekeeping issues: 1) Ray Culbertson is heading up the nomination committee for next year’s officers. If you would like to serve in a chapter leadership position, please contact Ray at rpculb@wctel.net 864.980.7367 or a member of his committee. (See p. 7) 2) Reba needs articles, both technical and personal/informational stories. If you are working on something – write it up and send it to Reba.

An FYI: On Friday, June 16 the National BOD met to discuss a proposal brought to them by several NCRS members living in Florida who wanted to establish a second statewide NCRS chapter. The board denied this request as there can be no duplicate statewide chapter. I hope you are enjoying your summer and your Corvettes and I hope to see many of you at either (or both) the road tour and the fall judging event.

Stay safe.