COVID rages on...
Greetings. I hope everyone continues to be safe and healthy. COVID-19 seems to be lingering a lot longer than anticipated. Consequently, the BOD has had to react to the everchanging forecast and reschedule/modify events as a result. Much to my dismay, the national board has again cancelled this year’s Chapter Top Flight program due to the virus.
Surprisingly successful 2020, but onto 2021!
A Year in Review...
I can’t believe it; 2020 is finally coming to a close. It has been quite a year with Corvid-19 and politics. The chapter is financially sound and currently we have 136 members. We lost three good friends this year: Carlton Tyson, Bob Harper, and Dick Whittington. The latter two were founding members.
Salvaging what remains of 2020
Are YOU an active member?
Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed? Or are you just contented that your name is on the list? Do you attend the meetings and mingle with the flock? Or do you just stay at home to criticize and knock? Do you take an active part to help the work along? Or are you satisfied to only just belong? - Sharyl Ingham